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Courses 6 Graduates 67 Previous Years

Graphic Design Communication

Editorial Design: Waterworld
The design brief was to design a magazine based on one of the United Nations Sustainability Goals. The chosen goal was number 14, Life Below Water.

The project involves the use of hand-drawn illustrations, and internet-sourced images for its design.

Advertising & Promotion: Love Post Lockdown: Spark Dating App
The design brief was to design a creative response to create a new app/system to allow people to date and reconnect post-lockdown.

My idea was to create a dating app design to match users based on their interests and personality.

Branding: Config Indie Game Festival
The design brief was to brand and design your own summer festival without any consideration for a budget.

I chose to work on branding for a festival celebrating indie games and their developers.

Packaging Design: Blend 76
The design brief was to create a brand, label, and package design for your chosen drink (rum, mocktail, or tea) and design an advertising campaign to promote your new drink.

I chose to design a tea brand that comes in four flavours. The design was heavily influenced by African tribal markings.

Audience and Message: Limerick Animal Welfare
The design brief was to select and rebrand an existing non-profit organization in order to reach its target audience more effectively.

I chose to work on rebranding Limerick Animal Welfare, a sanctuary that houses animals to help them find a suitable home. The rebranding includes: a new logo and 3 posters designed to invoke emotions in viewers.

More Graphic Design Communication

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