“Dublin is Kinky” is a short documentary which explores the kink and fetish subculture among Dublin’s queer and non-binary community. As the producer, it was my responsibility to get the cast and crew united, bring our locations to life and gather funding for the project. This documentary takes a deep dive into the individual lives of these communities highlighting their courage, individuality and efforts to establish an open dialogue about their lifestyle within a larger societal framework. Untimely, the overall theme showcases how one explores their sexuality.
Embarking on this journey to create Dublin is Kinky was to highlight the importance of embracing who you are and your sexuality, to denounce stereotypes and stigmas of the kink and fetish culture and to place emphasis on the benefits of being comfortable in one’s own skin. This short documentary is for both Irish and international audiences, The LGBTQAI+ community and people who possess curiosity on the subject.